Course Co-Ordinator: Glenys Webber.......0439 583 739
Please check the Activities Sheet for complete details about any course which interests you.
This page is merely a quick, abbreviated reference to all the courses we are running this year.
If a course includes a TBA notation, please refer to that particular activity leader for details.
Please contact your activity leader if you are unable to attend a session. If you would like to assist with the homebased computer help, please notify Glenys.
If you have an idea for a course which you would like to do, or EVEN BETTER....if you would like to be the leader of your own course offering, please notify Glenys Webber or Bev Lee Chue.
T I M E T A B L E 2024
MONDAY Basic Mat Pilates, every wk, 9-10 am TUESDAY Discussion Group, 3rd Tues, 10-noon WEDNESDAY Basic mat pilates, every wk, 9-10 am Book Club, 2nd Wed, 10-noon Line Dancing, every Wed, 10-noon Ukulele, every Wed, 12.30-3 pm THURSDAY Pilates at Gym, every Thurs, 10.45-11.45 am Mah Jong, 1st & 3rd Thurs, 1-4.30 pm TBA START FRIDAY Line Dancing 10-12 every week