Enrolment day for 2021 activities was held at the Uniting Church Hall, Rivers St. Inverell - 1.30 'til 4 pm - $25 annual fee - reduced to $20 for COVID reasons 2021 HOWEVER, YOU CAN STILL ENROL AT ANY TIME Phone Glenys to find out how 0439 583 739 <><><> Prospective course co-ordinators notified the President, Bev Lee Chue by 16 Jan of courses they proposed to co-ordinate and completed the necessary course information sheets. <><><>
Enrolment forms can be obtained from the Inverell Library, Tourist Information Centre, Community Health....When completed post the form and a cheque for $25 to the specified address. ($20 only special for 2021)
The Inverell U3A sometimes holds a morning tea for U3A members at the Uniting Church Hall on the 3rd Thursday of a month at 10 am...guest speaker & morning tea - FREE. Members will be notified of morning teas or other events.
Committee only mtg: 1.30 pm bi-monthly at Bev's. ************* New Ukulele participants can start at any time of the year CHECK OTHER LEADERS ABOUT WHEN YOU MAY JOIN MID-YEAR ......................... CHECK ACTIVITIES PAGES FOR COURSE DETAILS and the relevant co-ordinator with whom to book in ************* AGM - Thursday, 21 Oct 2021 1.30 pm RSM Club upstairs Afternoon tea will B served CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICEBEARERS ************* U3A CHRISTMAS PARTY TO BE HELD ON Thurs 25 Nov 2021 RSM CLUB 12 noon
COST: TBA Names must be in to Bev by TBA DATE at the latest