Links to other U3A sites
The following links to other important U3A websites
may be of interest
This enables you to enrol in various courses via your computer. Your enrolment is with U3A Online, and nothing to do with your U3A Inverell enrolment fee or membership. Cost is $25 per year, and you can enrol in any number of courses. This site is definitely worth looking at - some great courses.
This enables you to see what's happening in the U3A world
Visit their site & read the quarterly publication NEWSLINK, which gives interesting information about what's happening around our state, especially for seniors.
Also visit the RESOURCE LIBRARY, where you will find that many interesting courses have already been written by other U3A members. These courses are shared, FREE, via the Library - some can be downloaded immediately, others require you to contact the Librarians, who will forward a disk of the information (small charge to cover postage).
Many of these courses have powerpoint presentations to go with the printable handout information. If you have an interest in any of these courses, this FREE material makes it easy for you to present a course for your fellow U3A-ers.
For cryptic crossword buffs, Glenys highly recommends the following site: